Le notti brave dei preti gay

Survey shock Italian Magazine Panorama:  Priests found to attend the local meeting place for gay Roman, filmed with a hidden camera during night parties and even during a homosexual relationship with a casual partner

This is the result of an investigation conducted by the weekly Panorama, that in the next issue cover slams ‘The nights of good gay priests’, with photos of two hands clasped a rosary on the nails with nail polish.
"For twenty days – says weekly – a reporter for Panorama, accompanied by an accomplice gay, infiltrated in the evenings some brave priests, Rome, lead an amazing double life: day are priests in clerical garb; by night, transmitted the robe, men are perfectly integrated into the gay circles of the capital ".
Panorama claims to have identified "numerous cases" and to have told "three in particular ‘, using fancy names: Paul, French priest 35 years, Charles, on 45, and Luke, "Boarded" on the Internet and then again in his house during a homosexual relationship with the complicity of the reporter.
The investigation said the first meeting, occurred according to Panorama 2 July, between the reporter and his accomplice Paul gay father, in a local Roman neighborhood of Testaccio, also Charles. Before them, "Two men have danced naked escort" with different men, including Paul, then making sex with some of them. Leaving the local, the accomplice gay Panorama reporter was invited to the home of Paul, asks him to wear a cassock and a homosexual, movie with the camera.
All footage in support of the investigation – specifies the week – will be available tomorrow on the digital version of iPanorama on ‘iPad. The next night, always tells Panorama, Paul Charles and review the Panorama reporter and his accomplice to the Gay Village in Rome, "-Emphasizes the weekly showing – of being comfortable in that environment ". The day after, Sunday 4 July, again according to Panorama, Paul celebrated mass on a table in your home, the presence of the Panorama reporter and his accomplice.
Panorama claims to have verified "that Paul is actually a priest". With Charles’s second meeting in a restaurant in central Rome, "Habitually frequented by gays". After dinner, "Charles has led the accomplice of his apartment in Panorama, which is connected to a big church structure, and had sexual intercourse with him ", This also included the hidden camera.
"The Panorama reporter – says even the weekly – Charles has also filmed as he celebrated Mass in a church not far from his apartment ".
The third priest, Luke, was approached by Panorama Internet through, on a gay chat: after an explicit approach, which was followed by an appointment, The meeting took place on 6 July "before the church of a Catholic mission ‘.
Italian version
Le notti brave dei preti gay

Notizia aggregataUn cronista di "Panorama" ha vissuto tra gli omosessuali di Roma. E per quasi un mese ha documentato vizi e perversioni di insospettabili sacerdoti dalla doppia vita.
Con telecamera nascosta, seguita da verifiche minuziose e da controlli accurati. Per venti giorni un giornalista di Panorama, affiancato da un «complice» gay, si è infiltrato nelle serate brave di alcuni preti che, a Roma, conducono una sorprendente doppia vita: di giorno sono sacerdoti in abito talare; di notte, smessa la tonaca, sono uomini perfettamente integrati negli ambienti omosessuali della capitale.
Quella che ne è uscita è un’inchiesta sul campo che ha permesso di scoprire una realtà inedita e per certi versi sconvolgente: sacerdoti che partecipano a feste notturne con escort uomini; che hanno rapporti omosessuali con partner casuali; che frequentano chat e ritrovi gay. Panorama ha individuato numerosi casi e ne ha raccontati tre in particolare: quello di Paul, quello di Carlo e quello di Luca (i nomi sono inventati per proteggere l’identità dei sacerdoti). (Continua a leggere)
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About Pino Silvestri

Pino Silvestri, blogger per diletto, fondatore, autore di Virtualblognews, presente su Facebook e Twitter.
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3 thoughts on “Le notti brave dei preti gay

  1. Il Vaticano ha messo le mani in avanti dicendo che sono solo mele marce. Dipende quante sono queste mele, mi sa tante.

  2. Alberto46 – Le mele marce, a occhio e croce, riempiono tutta la Piazza del Vaticano :-).

  3. essere gay non equivale a mela marcia……un prete  é una persona
    con tutte le sue contraddizioni…..ma voi non capite un c…o di sesso!

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