Amici a quattro zampe in slow motion, video spettacolare

Slow Motion Dog – The director used a Phantom camera at 1,000 fps (frames-per-second) to capture the dogs in action
Director Bob Purman explained how they’ve achieved the shots using two spots, a “Catch” and a “Jump” execution. The director used a Phantom camera at 1,000 fps (frames-per-second) to capture the dogs in action:The ‘Catch’ spot was to be a series of shots of dogs looking with anticipation as a piece of dog food is flying through the air towards them. We shot close-ups of the dogs at 1000 fps. The result was really wonderfully anthropomorphic. The super slow motion really captured this intense sense of desire in the dogs’ eyes. To me it was equal parts awe inspiring and hilarious to see so rich a palate of personality in a dog’s facial expressions. A few days after the shoot I started to get emails from Mark, Steph and the editor Chris Parkins with the different iterations of the spots cut to different music selections, all of them interesting for different reasons. But then they put footage from the two spots together to form this new greater whole that really exploits the dynamics of the dogs’ athleticism and their emotive personality in slowed time.”

Italian version

Amici a quattro zampe in slow motion, video spettacolare

Slow motion fa miracoli, per farci vedere nei particolari, i movimenti e le espressioni dei nostri amici a quattro zampe.
Il video, uno spot per Pedigree è  davvero splendido.
Il direttore Bob Purman ha utilizzato una fotocamera Phantom a 1.000 fps (1.000 frame il secondo) per catturare nei minimi particolari l’espressività degli amici a quattro zampe, ripresi in azione mentre con lo sguardo anticipano l’arrivo di un biscotto croccante lanciato in aria verso di loro.
Bob Purman, ha detto:
“Il risultato antropomorfo è stato davvero meraviglioso. Il super slow motion ha veramente catturato negli occhi dei cani quest’intenso senso di desiderio di afferrare al volo il biscotto, esaltando, nel contempo, la dinamicità atletica e la personalità emotiva dei cani“.
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About Pino Silvestri

Pino Silvestri, blogger per diletto, fondatore, autore di Virtualblognews, presente su Facebook e Twitter.
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5 thoughts on “Amici a quattro zampe in slow motion, video spettacolare

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    Ancora un grazie a VirtualBlog  per l'ospitalità e la collaborazione.




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